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You Are His Beautiful Poem

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

No one obtains salvation through works. As Paul says earlier in Ephesians, it is by grace alone we are saved. We also don’t have to work to stay saved. However, God does prepare us for certain works He wants us to do while on Earth. These works further the heavenly kingdom and let everyone know who God is. Some Christians seem to know what works they are meant for right away. For example, you might know a man in your church who is gifted at cooking. It seems he can take the most random ingredients in the church fridge and make something delicious in minutes. You might know a woman who works as a nurse or doctor. Her hands seem to bring healing with the simplest touches. When faced with these examples, it can be hard to discern what your gifts are and what good works God has prepared for you. Some Christians figure God has sidelined them because they can’t think of any works worth doing for Him. They see themselves as God’s divine exception to Ephesians 2:10. The truth is that God doesn’t make that kind of exception. Every believer is His handiwork. In Greek, this word is translated poema, which looks like the word “poem.” You are more than a random person. You are God’s beautiful poem, and He has a place and a mission for you. It might not be as showy or glamorous as someone else’s mission, but it is yours, designed especially for you. Today, ask God to remind you of your beauty as His workmanship. Ask for the ability to see yourself through His eyes, and ask Him to show you what good works He has for you. They can be as big as going on a mission trip or as small as calling a neighbor to say hello, but they are there.

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