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You Are God's Harvest

The land yields its harvest; God, our God, blesses us. Psalm 67:6

Fall brings dropping temperatures, vibrantly colored leaves and a sudden overwhelming presence of pumpkins. This is when farmers gather the fruits

of their labors and value the results of their work. They take these vegetables

from the ground and feed families across the nation. In many ways, you, too,

are a product of harvest. Vegetables grow from the ground. Likewise, humans come from a filthy world of sin and pain. We’re brought up from the bottom of the natural order. On our own, we could never hope to do more than return to the earth, potentially leaving behind another generation of crops. Jesus comes to us when we are ready, bringing us to grace. He “harvests us” from our surroundings and provides a new destiny far greater than anything we could have achieved without Him. But first, He must wash us clean. Just as potatoes have to be scrubbed of their grime, our souls must be renewed in His grace and glory before we can be used. This is our salvation, as we are reborn through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Our salvation prepares us, and then God’s harvest moves on to help the world. We can “feed” others the word and spread the good news. Today, ask yourself if you’re ready to be used, or if you need to be washed clean again. The Lord is always willing to freshen and make use of His crops—in this case, His children.

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