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Working for the Lord

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters. Colossians 3:23a

Most Christians are familiar with the idea that they work primarily for the Lord, no matter what their actual occupation is. However, it can be difficult to determine what that means in daily life. How, exactly, do you show you are working for the Lord when you have a human employer and are working in earthly circumstances? Today’s verse gives us an important clue. Paul admonished the Colossians to work at whatever they did with all their hearts. He wanted them to find passion and joy in their work, and give everything their best effort. Of course, this is easier to do on some days than it is on other days. Christians have times when they dislike their jobs, just like anyone else. They find aspects of work frustrating, such as a backbiting workplace culture or a boss who seems to expect too much. If this describes your workplace or if you’re struggling to find joy in your work, take heart. The Lord knows you are human and will strengthen you to do what you need to do. Although your work situation may not be ideal, there are still ways for you to set a good example and show your commitment to Jesus. A few of these ways are by:

  • Showing compassion wherever you can. Help a coworker with a difficult project or take over for one who is sick.

  • Abstain from workplace gossip. Endeavor to say positive things about everyone.

  • Show gratitude. Say “thank you” as often as possible.

  • Be diligent. Meet your deadlines, come to work on time, and keep your workspace neat.

  • Ask for help when you need it. We all need help on occasion, as when doing something we haven’t tried before or when our plates are overloaded.

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