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Working as a Team

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Many couples enter marriage with the assumption that their household will be run the way Mom and Dad did it. The problem is, there are two moms and dads, and they probably didn’t do things the same way. His parents and her parents didn’t have the same game plan, so husband and wife have very different expectations. What’s the answer? We must construct our own game plan.

Make a list of all the household responsibilities that come to your mind. Washing dishes, cooking meals, buying groceries, vacuuming the carpet, washing the car, mowing the grass, paying the bills—everything. Ask your spouse to do the same. Then put your two lists together and come up with a “master list” of responsibilities. Next, each of you should take the list and put your initials by the things you think should be your responsibilities. Finally, get together and see where you agree. The differences will need to be negotiated, with someone being willing to take responsibility.

Try it for six months and then evaluate how things are going. Do you feel the responsibilities are divided fairly? Is one person struggling with a certain task that perhaps the other could do more easily? What changes need to be made?

As you talk through these issues, remember that you’re on the same team. As Ecclesiastes 4 says, two people working together can help each other succeed. Isn’t that what you want for your marriage? Use your strengths to help each other.

Lord God, I am grateful for my spouse and for the chance to work as a team to keep our household and family running smoothly. I want to help my spouse succeed, Lord. Please guide us as we come up with a plan for handling responsibilities. Help me to communicate in love.

This is an excerpt from: Love Language Minute Devotional

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