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Work and Commitment

[I am] confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Philippians 1:6

The Christian life is often compared to a marathon, training for the Olympics, or some other difficult athletic challenge. In fact, Paul talks often about fighting the good fight and racing to win the eternal prize of Heaven and Jesus’ approval. Everyone’s race looks different, but they all can seem long and arduous at times. That’s why today’s promise is so vital.

Have you ever started a project with great intentions, especially around the beginning of the year, but forgot to finish it? Maybe you promised yourself you’d finally write that novel, or maybe you wanted to make your own bookcases for a private study. For whatever reason though, many of these projects tend to be forgotten in a short time. Then they lie around the house unfinished.

Jesus is not at all like us in this regard. He never starts something He doesn’t finish, and this is especially true of people. From the time you are born, Jesus uses people and events to draw you toward Him. Once you become a Christian, He works inside you so you become more like Him. He doesn’t stop until He is satisfied with the results and knows you have embraced the person He made

you to be.

If your road to completion in anything, especially spiritual matters, seems long today, express that to Jesus. Ask Him to help you trust in His timing and process and to show you His love. You will see progress, and you will know who and what you were created to be. That progress will lead you on a journey where God uses you to further His kingdom every day.

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