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Words for an Election Year

I the Lord do not change. So you, the descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed. Malachi 3:6

In election years, believers and nonbelievers alike are anxious about who will be elected, what he or she will do in office, and what will happen to our country and world as a result. It’s not uncommon to hear some believers predict that if X or Y candidate is elected, the end of the world will soon follow. Christians can and should take comfort in knowing Jesus did not tie the Second Coming to the leadership of a certain president or king. Although He warns the state of the world will be dismal before His return, He doesn’t give many specifics. We don’t know what to expect from which person, group or country. We don’t know the effects certain events will have, or how long we have on Earth. What we do know is the truth of Malachi 3:6 and many other verses like it. The Lord does not change. He is not a political candidate, trying to win votes with persuasive words. His words have already been spoken and they will stand forever. Furthermore, He will protect His people. As believers, we will die because we are human. Some of us might even be tortured or die for our faith. Yet because of God, we will not be destroyed. If an election has you worried today, turn off the news. Disconnect from the internet and put down the newspaper. Instead, pick up your Bible and meditate on verses that speak of the constancy and unconditional love of God. Rest in the knowledge that no matter who is elected, God is on His throne.

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