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Wonderful Truths

Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your law.
Psalm 119:18

Closed eyes and sightless eyes have something in common: neither can see beauty. The beauty is there for the seeing, but with no eyes beholding it the beauty shines on unappreciated, like a diamond in the desert sand.

Hearts have eyes, windows letting in the light of life. But if the eyes of the heart are closed, truth shines on, unobserved. The heart is darkened, the mind is confused, desires are twisted, and wrong decisions are made. The difference between right and wrong becomes blurred and indistinct until right seems wrong and wrong seems right. Eventually the very existence of objective truth is questioned and the person stumbles into a subjective morass of sensuality and sin. Meanwhile, truth shines on unabated—and unappreciated.

Any man, young or old, who is concerned that his life is heading downhill, his principles compromised and his morality eroded, at least has the eyes of his heart opened partially. But he needs to ask the Lord to open his eyes fully to the “wonderful truths” found in God’s word (119:18)—truths that have shone brightly through the centuries, pointing unerringly to who God is, who we are, what he expects, what we have done, what God has done about it, what we should do, and how we should live as a result. These are wonderful truths!

Once a man’s eyes are opened to the truth of God’s word, the man thus begins to perceive vistas of truth formerly undreamed of—mysteries previously hidden, insights formerly never imagined. He discovers answers to questions he never thought to ask, and he questions opinions never previously examined. More wonderful truths!

These truths are carefully hidden in the heart and are pondered (119:11, 15). As a result, the mind becomes educated in God’s principles and promises (119:7), the emotions are stimulated to wholesome delight and godly desire (119:16), and the will is moved to make decisions that consistently reflect the divine principles. Thus might a man live life to the full.

Happy is the man who has eyes wide open to discern, desire, and do God’s will.

This is an excerpt from: Devotions for Men

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