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Women and the Word

Now, you women; hear the word of the Lord; open your ears to the words of His mouth.

Jeremiah 9:20

It’s important for men and women to know and live the Word of God. However, in today’s verse, Jeremiah specifically speaks to women. Bible scholars speculate there are several reasons for this. One might be because Jeremiah’s culture didn’t consider women worthy to study God’s Word. Perhaps he was encouraging them to receive the Word and take an active role in sharing it with others. Another reason might be because of women’s domain over child rearing. Although men were created to be spiritual leaders, women nurtured children and first exposed them to God.

Whatever Jeremiah’s reasons, his words are vital for today’s women. Modern Christian women have more physical and spiritual freedoms than ancient Israel’s women ever dreamed of. They lead Sunday school classes and Bible studies; some denominations allow women to preach. Additionally, today’s women participate in thousands of ministries outside the church. Their mission field could be their workplace or their home, a clinic or a classroom, a police station or a fire station.

With all this freedom comes busyness. Many women are so overwhelmed with godly responsibilities that they forget to absorb His Word and character. That’s why it’s crucial for everyone, but women in particular, to learn to balance activities and commitments. Don’t be afraid to say “no.” It frees more time for you to hear and learn from God.

If you’re a woman who feels overwhelmed with all your freedoms and responsibilities, meditate on today’s verse. Your primary responsibility is listening to God, not so you can get marching orders, but so you can enjoy Him. Today, give yourself permission for some valuable time with Him.

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