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Wings Like Eagles

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Isaiah 40:31

June is graduation season, and today’s verse is a popular one for graduates. Adults often present Isaiah 40:31 to high school and college graduates to communicate the hope that these young people will soar in life. However, soaring takes much more effort than the connotation of the word implies. To soar, you have to be strong enough to fly—that is, learn new skills, practice them and become adept at them. These skills could be physical, emotional or spiritual.

Most learning processes are difficult, and they will leave you weary. If you overdo certain things, you might even feel faint. This is an unfortunate side effect of being human in a fallen world. However, today’s verse promises that if you focus on God, He will let you soar in ways you never anticipated. Fixing your eyes on Jesus, as Hebrews puts it, gives you strength to do what you never imagined you could do.

What is it you need strength to do today? Where and how do you most need to soar? Perhaps you’re a student working your way through tough finals to graduate. Maybe your doctor has said you’re close to remission but the thought of another arduous treatment makes you feel faint. Soaring could be as simple as making the effort to get a strong-willed child dressed for preschool or day camp today.

Getting up the strength to fly is the hardest part for any bird. They have to be pushed from the nest and flounder on unsteady wings for a few minutes. Like birds, people are unsteady, too. You won’t always feel like soaring. However, when you feel yourself falling, God will give you the push you need. Pray to feel His gentle push today and His fatherly voice cheering you on.

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