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Why Some Are Lost

“In a surge of anger I hid my face from you for a moment, but with everlasting kindness, I will have compassion on you,” says the Lord your Redeemer.

Isaiah 54:8

Something that nonbelievers question often is how a righteous and merciful God could allow anyone to remain lost. After all, isn’t He supposed to be all- loving and fair? The answer is yes. And it’s because of these traits that some of His children remain lost to the world.

God gave us free will so that we would be able to come to Him by choice. If we served Him without another option, it would just be slavery (and that is the last thing that He wants). He loves us enough that He sacrificed His son for us, but also so much that He would rather see us walk away than to hold us against our will.

This isn’t to say that He has not done everything in His power to prevent us from turning the other cheek. He sent His son to teach us how we should behave and treat one another. He crafted the Bible to function as our daily guide and offer instructions on being saved. He has made the way clear. We must only follow.

One reason why humans have a hard time understanding God’s actions is that we cannot fully comprehend His nature. He is holy above all else, and cannot tolerate when sin is in His presence. Even though He cares for us so greatly, He cannot turn against the foundation of His being. He is also just. For the same reason, He cannot forgive us of our sins if we do not ask. Jesus accepted our debt on the cross, but we must give out lives to Him to receive this charity.

Today, say a prayer for those who are lost that they make the decision to come to God. Because following Him by choice is the only way.

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