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Who's Your Daddy?

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood ... God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.

1 Peter 2:9

As co-heirs with Christ, we are heavenly royalty. On Earth, we are able to walk and act with grace, dignity and confidence because we are God’s special possession. Despite this, the everyday grind and troubling circumstances that go with being human can make us forget our true status. The most devout Christian can struggle with his or her identity as chosen and perfect in God’s eyes.

For every Christian, there are different reasons for this struggle. You might have sin in your past that makes you wonder why God would choose you. Maybe your struggles come from an abusive home where you were treated as anything but a special possession. Insecurities related to body image, academic hardships or handicaps might be at the root of your identity crisis.

Whatever those roots are, God is ready to help you dig them up and dispose of them. He is used to identity crises, even among His chosen children, because He made us human. He knows in a fallen world, it’s tough to remember who we are meant to be. That’s why He offers verses like today’s, among many others, to tell us how much He loves us. His Word also gives us plenty of true stories about people who didn’t think they mattered to God, but were used mightily.

If your identity in Christ is a sticking point, ask God to show you the truth behind what He says about you today. Remind yourself who your heavenly Father is and what He can do. If He says you are worthy and chosen, no one and nothing can contradict Him. Walk in confidence as a royal child because your Father is the King of Kings.

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