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When Life Isn't Fair

The Lord said to Satan, “Very well then, everything [Job] has is in your power, but on the man himself do not lay a finger.”

Job 1:12

Job’s story is one of the most famous and complex in the Bible. Many Christians read this verse and wonder what God was thinking—why He let Satan torment one of His most faithful saints. They may also wonder if this is a prerequisite for other humans. Does God treat us like cosmic playthings, letting Satan take control whenever he wants?

Fortunately, the answer is a resounding “no.” God loves His children and never lets anything happen to them that He did not permit first. Remember, Satan had to ask God’s permission to test Job, and God could have easily said no. The question, then, becomes why He said yes. For the modern Christian, the question might be where God is when unfair things happen.

Most of us won’t lose everything as Job did, but we will all go through unfair circumstances. Some of us will endure divorce even though we thought our marriages were strong. Some of us will watch our children get sick or struggle with disabilities. Some will fight to stay above the poverty line while others remain rich and comfortable but don’t show charity.

When this happens, cry out to God as Job did. Ask if this circumstance is a test. If so, what you can learn from it. If the circumstance is not a test, but rather a natural consequence of our fallen world, ask for the courage to handle it. No matter what, request an extra measure of God’s mercy and love. He will freely and gladly give it to you.

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