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What is Heaven Like?

However, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived, the things God has prepared for those who love Him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9

Perhaps one of the biggest questions Christians have is, “What is Heaven like?” We know Heaven exists—we are promised eternal life there through Jesus Christ. Whenever an elderly believer prepares to die, it’s common for him or her to talk about the hope of Heaven and what it will be like. Revelation does provide some descriptions, but they aren’t as specific as most Christians want them to be. Today, curiosity about Heaven is stronger than ever among Christians and non-Christians alike. Books such as Heaven is for Real and Miracles from Heaven are snatched from bookstore shelves, and people fill theaters to see movies based on these stories. Some Heaven stories are hoaxes, which can cause people to doubt Heaven’s existence and the promise of eternal life. In today’s verse and many other passages, God promises that Heaven is indeed real. Unlike modern books, the Bible doesn’t have detailed accounts of the experiences of people who went there and came back to tell about it. However, the Bible emphasizes the promise of Heaven again and again. As Jesus says in John regarding His Father’s house, “If it were not so, I would not have told you.” Whenever you are curious about Heaven, go back to the Bible. Start in Revelation 21 and 22, which give us physical descriptions of the heavenly city and New Jerusalem, such as gates made of pearls and buildings made of jewels. Remember most of all, however, that Heaven will be more than a physical location. It is a place where God rewards those who love Him, with greater rewards and greater joy than we could ever conceive.

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