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What Does It Mean to Be Foolish?

The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice.

Proverbs 12:15

April Fool’s Day is a fun time when we enjoy playing pranks on each other. However, in today’s verse and throughout the Bible, God makes clear that actually being foolish is a terrible thing. Fools are described as hating discipline, being a disgrace to those around them, and displeasing God.

Of course, no one wants to be described this way, but it can be hard to determine what being foolish looks like in our world. For example, you might wonder if God would consider you a fool for sinning occasionally, or if you are foolish for not holding the same convictions other Christians do (for example, never drinking vs. having one glass of wine with dinner).

When considering whether you are foolish, the key is to look at your life and spiritual walk as a whole. A foolish person will not repent of sin and will consistently make bad decisions, without true intent to change. Ask yourself if you are guilty of these or any of the following:

  • Not being teachable

  • Focusing on sharing your own opinion rather than listening

  • Consistently gossiping and slandering others

  • Justifying and not apologizing for wrong choices

  • Dragging others into sinful behavior

  • Consistently allowing emotions to control your actions If you have engaged in foolish behavior, you can repent and change. Tell God you know what you are doing is wrong, and ask Him to help you become wiser. He will be pleased with your choice, and you will see good results if you continue working and do not give up.

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