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Well Seasoned Conversation

Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Colossians 4:6

The Bible tells us to speak graciously, but that is often more difficult than it looks. Gossip or hurtful words often slip out when we don’t mean them to or because we’re upset with someone else. Many Christians struggle with cursing or other language that tears others down instead of building them up. Perhaps this is why so many verses, including today’s, admonish us to speak with grace and truth. What does it mean to have grace-filled conversations that are “seasoned with salt?” Here, salt is a metaphor for the truth of Christ. It hearkens back to Jesus charging His disciples to be salt and light on Earth. If your conversation is “seasoned” yet gracious, you will not use Christ as a tool to bludgeon others verbally. Instead, you will speak the truth in love. Gracious conversation also means making sure your words are as positive as possible. Instead of gossiping about a coworker you don’t like, make the effort to compliment something about him or her. Instead of flinging hurtful words at a spouse when they make you angry, take time to cool off, and then be willing to apologize and work out the problem. If you must share a painful truth with someone, do so gently, and make clear you have the other person’s best interests in mind. What if God leads you to have a seasoned, gracious conversation with someone whose faith is different from yours? This may be one of the hardest things you are asked to do, but God will give you the power. Approach the person kindly and ask him or her for their story. Why do they believe as they do? Why are these beliefs important to them? Work to find common ground as you prepare to introduce the other person to Jesus.

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