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Wearing Armor

He put on righteousness as his breastplate, and the helmet of salvation on his head; he put on the garments of vengeance and wrapped himself in zeal as

in a cloak. Isaiah 59:17

Every day of our lives, we are at war. Fear and doubt are our adversaries, and when we give them too much power, they can damage our relationship with God. So how do we protect ourselves from damage and find the strength to push through even the toughest of situations? We put on the full armor of God. In biblical times, the Roman army was a force to be reckoned with. They were well trained in the details of combat and self-defense. They were also heavily equipped. Spears and swords helped them cut through their enemies. The combination of metal and hide that they wrapped themselves in kept them safe from harm and made them truly formidable. In the same way, we can push through the most difficult periods of our lives when we don the Armor of God. There are several items mentioned in this passage, including a belt, breastplate, footwear, shield, helmet and sword. Each one serves a different purpose and relates to an aspect of Christianity. The only offensive weapon, for example, is the sword of the Word of God. It is described as living and powerful beyond any other weapon. Whereas the Roman soldiers would cut through their enemies, we can slice through the lies of this world. With the complete armor, we are protected from the anxieties and oppressions of the world, but we’re also able to go further than that and attack his plans. Each time we don our outfit in Christ and spread the Gospel, the tides of battle turn a little more in our favor... even though the winner has already been decided.

Today, remember to cloak yourself in the strength of the Word and the power

of Christianity.

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