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Watch the Signs

In my name they will drive out demons ... they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all.

Mark 16:17- 18

Today’s verse comes from a controversial passage; some Bible translations don’t even have it as part of the book. Perhaps that is because most Christians don’t know how to read it. Some denominations exist that take these signs literally. Just because there are differing interpretations of a Scripture, though, doesn’t mean we should undervalue its significance.

At times, Jesus spoke figuratively to His disciples, and this could be one of those times. There is a theory that the snakes and poison discussed in Mark 16 refer to sin and the dangers of a fallen world. A Christian who is able to “handle a snake” may be someone who can be exposed to sin regularly—such as gossip on the job—and not be affected. The “poison” may refer to everyday encounters with sin, such as when a Christian college student is required to read material that glorifies sinful behavior. We all face metaphorical snakes and poisons in our lives, and we must pray that God keeps us strong enough not to be hurt by them.

No matter how you interpret this passage, be careful when you face frightening situations. Do not put yourself in danger in God’s name, and do not “test” God to see how much sin you can handle. Instead, pray and study the Bible when the “poison” comes to you. Jesus will give you as much immunity as you need for the situation, and you will triumph. This verse explains the incredible power Christians have in the face of adversity—power you should know is yours as a child of Christ.

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