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Washed Clean by God

Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean. Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.

Psalm 51:7

After a day of hard work or a long, sweaty workout, nothing feels better than a hot, cleansing bath. When our bodies are clean, we naturally feel better about ourselves. We are able to enjoy ourselves more and focus on any tasks we need to do. In fact, teachers in any school will tell you children learn best when they are well rested, well fed and clean.

As God’s children, we learn best when we are spiritually clean. In other words, we are able to focus on God and communicate with Him more effectively when we have a clear conscience and a pure heart. We are also able to enjoy His presence more and want to be connected to Him. Unfortunately, sin often gets in the way, dirtying our spirits.

Perhaps no one knew this better than King David did. He was “a man after God’s own heart,” but he wrote Psalm 51 after committing a grievous sin. He had had an adulterous affair and had his mistress’ husband murdered. If anyone needed his spirit washed clean, David qualified. In a great example for modern believers, David sought God and asked for cleansing.

As hard as we might try, we cannot spiritually cleanse ourselves. Efforts to do so often lead to legalism, which gives birth to misery. Misery can actually tempt us to sin more, making the problem worse. Instead, we need to ask God to cleanse our hearts. God will not be angry or disappointed. He knows we sin, and He waits eagerly for us to repent. Once we do, He will gladly wash us clean so we can enjoy His presence again.

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