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Walking With Christ

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Matthew 5:6

Walking is a wonderful activity. There are health benefits that come from moving your body—your muscles grow stronger and you burn calories and fat. As you travel, you’ll also experience new sights, smells and sounds. It is a useful way to detoxify you from the overabundance of technology that we see. When you start walking with friends, those benefits are increased even more. That’s why it’s so important that we spend time walking with Christ. There is no more thrilling feeling than knowing that the creator of the universe wants to know you personally. How exciting that the God, who hung the stars, desires your attention and love. Walking with Christ is something we should do throughout our Christian lives, and it has all sorts of benefits. Our faith is like the strengthening muscles—it builds through use and personal experiences with the grace of the Lord. We lose “fat,” which in this case is worldly desires and thoughts that hold us back. The new scenery that we see represents the testimony that we will uncover and develop for God. The most important part is the fact that we’re growing closer to Jesus. The more time we spend in prayer and living in His word, the better we will know Him. When He is more involved in our lives, it’ll be easier to make the right decisions and have faith that our futures are taken care of. Today, go on a stroll with God. If it’s been a while, that’s okay. He appreciates every step that we take toward Him, and walking close to His side is the best way to change your entire life.

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