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Waiting Tables for Christ

So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, “It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the Word of God in order to wait on tables.”... They chose Stephen, a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit. Acts 6:2, 5a

At first glance, it might seem the disciples were a bit arrogant in today’s verses. Some people read these verses and wonder if the apostles thought waiting on tables and other menial tasks were too good for them. In reality, it seems the disciples were expressing their concern for how both tasks—serving people and preaching the Word of God—would get done. The verses indicate they chose only those “full of faith and the Holy Spirit,” like Stephen, to complete the task of serving overlooked people like widows. It’s human nature to eschew these tasks in favor of ones that will put us in the spotlight. It’s also tempting to be angry or frustrated when we are relegated to serving food, stacking chairs or cleaning up after others rather than, say, singing special music or leading Bible study. God has a place for all work, whether it’s showy or behind the scenes. He also doesn’t want Christians who perform behind-the-scenes tasks to feel inferior to others. In fact, the work nobody sees is often the most important of all. For example, a special church dinner won’t go over well if enough food isn’t cooked and served. No one wants to drop off his or her children in a dirty or understaffed church nursery. If you have been led to “wait tables” in your church, at work or as part of a ministry that you serve, accept your assignment. Ask God to help you do it cheerfully and diligently. If others are acting superior toward you, pray they will see your work’s value and show more compassion. Above all, remember you are working for the Lord, and He is pleased and proud of what you are doing for His kingdom.

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