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Visitors to This World

We are foreigners and strangers in your sight, as were all our ancestors. Our days on earth are like a shadow, without hope. 1 Chronicles 29:15

When we visit family or friends, we act according to their family rules and culture, respecting their home and property. We respect and honor those who host us. We enjoy our time together and are often left feeling a bit sad and empty when we leave. This translates well to our lives as Christians. Our existence here on Earth is purely temporary. It is not our home but simply somewhere that we are visiting. Our flesh will end and our spirits will return to God one day in Heaven. Often, however, we forget that our purpose is higher than the world. We strive for earthly accomplishments, reaching the peak of our careers or collecting the most valuable possessions. All of these actions are performed in search of fulfillment for our lives, but none of them can compare to our

true purpose. As Christians, we need to focus on the impression our visit leaves behind, not on furthering ourselves in the games of this world. We are the example of Christ and what you show can alter people’s vision and opinion of God. To make the most of your visit, remain humble. Keep a servant’s heart and offer yourself to the needs of others. Leave an impression of love and kindness and the people of the world will long for you once you’re gone. In fact, they may choose to come with us and find the Kingdom of God through salvation. Today, remember that the tribulations and triumphs of this world are only temporary and that your home in Heaven is

being prepared.

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