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Vashti's Courage

Queen Vashti is only mentioned in one chapter of the entire Bible. After this, King Xerxes dethroned her and cast her aside. Despite this, let’s not gloss over her courage. The king’s seven eunuchs made Vashti out to be a willful and disobedient queen. They convinced the king that her actions would corrupt all the women of Persia. However, most Bible scholars suggest this was not her motive at all. We can’t be sure why Vashti refused to come before the king. Some scholars speculate it was because he wanted her to parade naked in front of the court, wearing nothing except her crown. Others say she refused to be objectified or that Xerxes’ drunkenness and revelry angered her. Whatever the reason, Vashti made a gutsy choice here. She placed her own dignity, modesty and self-respect before a royal command. She risked being killed immediately. Few of us will ever be faced with the kind of choice Vashti made. We should also keep in mind that God does not want us to disobey authority whenever we feel like it. Sometimes, a person in authority may ask us to do something we know goes against God. In those cases, we are free to respectfully disobey. If you ever find yourself in such a position, remember Vashti and ask God for strength like hers. Your choice may end badly. You may lose a job, a friend or a coveted position in an activity or ministry. Yet, if your motives are good, God will be pleased and will honor your decision. You may not see how right away, but rest assured that He has good plans for you.

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