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Using Emotions Wisely

You are a slave to whatever controls you. 2 Peter 2:19

Why are we so fearful of negative emotions? Perhaps because we have seen friends who followed similar emotions and made poor decisions. They did what they felt like doing, and everyone around them suffered.

We must distinguish between negative feelings and negative actions. For example, let’s say you are feeling sad about the emotional distance between you and your spouse. You could share these feelings and seek to build your relationship—a wise approach. On the other hand, you could have an affair with someone else—an extremely foolish approach.

Emotions always stimulate us to take action. However, we must make responsible decisions. We don’t choose our emotions, but we do choose our actions. Our emotions do not have to control us. In fact, if they do, we become slaves to them, according to [2 Peter 2:19]. Emotions are not our masters, but they can be valuable tools.

Sharing your emotions with your spouse opens the possibility of additional insights. Failure to share emotions limits your thoughts and actions to your own wisdom. The Scriptures say two are better than one see [Ecclesiastes 4:9]. Remember, at the heart of marriage is the idea of sharing life. Emotions are a part of life.

Father, thank you for giving me the opportunity to share joys and sorrows with my spouse. When I do that, the joys are magnified and the sorrows are lessened. That’s a wonderful gift. Please help us to share our emotions with each other more freely.

This is an excerpt from: Love Language Minute Devotional

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