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Unconditional Love

If I speak in the tongues of men and angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.

1 Corinthians 13:1

Unconditional love is a concept many Christians are familiar with, but it’s difficult to enact. Perhaps this is because we come across so few examples in our own lives. Although we may have the most stable and loving families in the world, our society conditions us to absorb the message that as children, we’re loved based on good behavior. As adults, we learn we’re loved or favored based on our performance at work or school or what we do for others.

Jesus is the epitome of unconditional love. He first showed this when He gave up Heaven to come to Earth in human form and again in His death on the cross. Today, His gentle whispers and involvement in believers’ lives show unconditional love every day. However, most Christians still struggle with the idea that Jesus’ love is permanent and unchanging. They would never admit this, but they secretly believe Jesus will only love and favor them based on what they do for Him.

It is impossible to fully understand the depth of Jesus’ love for us, but if we can grasp just a bit of it, we’ll have an easier time showing unconditional love to ourselves and others. Practice this in your daily life. When you make a mistake, don’t beat yourself up. Say, “Okay, now I know better and can try again.” Make the effort to notice positive traits in people difficult to love. Ask that God would pour His love on you so you can emulate Him better in everything you do.

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