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Unable but Chosen

But they were childless because Elizabeth was not able to conceive, and they were both very old.

Luke 1:7

God loves to use people who are unlikely choices. Almost every heroic figure in the Bible was an unlikely one for ancient Israel. God often chose youngest children over firstborns, women over men, the childless over the fertile and the disabled over the able-bodied. This was not to make certain groups feel like lesser people, but to prove no one escaped His notice or love.

Elizabeth is yet another example. Although she and her husband, Zechariah, were both old, the Bible is careful to tell us she wasn’t able to conceive. Bible teacher Beth Moore says Elizabeth is described in terms of what she does not have: children. This is a terrible burden for any woman, but more so in Elizabeth’s culture. Ancient people often considered Israelite women who couldn’t conceive cursed, or at least overlooked, by God.

Perhaps you can commiserate with Elizabeth right now. Maybe it seems like no one notices your talents, focusing instead on the one thing you can’t do that they value. Perhaps the stigma of an illness or disability makes others assume you can’t do the activities they can. Other situations can make you feel lesser and “unable” as well—financial problems, a divorce, infertility or an abusive past to name a few.

God had already done many miracles through barren women like Hannah, Sarah and Rebecca. He saw Elizabeth’s longing. Instead of saying, “I will leave her unable,” He chose her.

God may not make you able to do everything you want. At the same time, He won’t leave you feeling cast aside because of inabilities. If you open yourself to Him, God will choose you to accomplish what no one else can.

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