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Turning From Prejudice

Do not judge or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Matthew 7:1-2

It is human nature to be more critical of others than we are of ourselves. Psychologists have proved that we blame outside circumstances for our own shortcomings, but attribute the same mistakes to personal ineptitude when seen in our peers. Just because it is easy to judge someone, doesn’t mean that we should do it. To be prejudiced means to form an “estimate of others without knowing the facts.” Unfortunately, that is easier than ever in this digital age. Many of us see stories all over social media and believe them without hesitation. We form opinions about others in seconds, often without taking the time to consider their point of view or whether we’re seeing the full story. Being prejudiced can be a very serious flaw for a Christian. Jesus loves us all equally. He does not see a person’s sins as greater than yours. We must learn to care for one another and leave the judgment up to God, in order to be like Christ and spread the Gospel. It is not our place to condemn the shortcomings of our peers; we are meant only to love them. Today, focus on ridding yourself of your prejudices. Do not value people based on their political beliefs, sexual orientation, occupation, or hobbies. Their past mistakes and personal choices are between them and God, and we should trust that He will sort out everything accordingly. Focus instead on the fact that they are another creation of our Father and that we should love them as He does.

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