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Truth is Not Always Pleasant

Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.

John 4:21

When we think of God, we should think of everything good. Everlasting love and far-reaching grace are just two of His countless qualities. Even our pictures of Heaven are filled with perfection. Many of us imagine fields of flowers and mansions of marble and gold. It’s no wonder why we associate God with all things pleasant. However, the things that are best for us are not always easiest.

Tearing off a bandage hurts. The adhesive tears out our hairs (and even some skin, depending on the chemicals used). However, the wound beneath is able to breath better once the Band-Aid is off. The same is often true for the truth that God gives us: it’s greatly beneficial, but not pleasant to endure.

This kind of truth comes in many forms, but most often, He works through our conscience. We have to be still and listen hard to catch such a gentle and quiet voice. Because of this, He knows that we are giving Him our full attention just to hear it. However, the softness of this guidance compels many people to ignore it—particularly when it comes to relationships and other temptations of the world.

Today, take time to listen for the truth, even if it’s not what you want to hear. The Lord will always have your best interest at heart. It doesn’t matter if you understand His reasoning or not—you need to obey God. Ask Him to provide you with veracity and to open your heart so that you may make the right decisions in His name.

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