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Trusting What We Do Not Understand

My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power. 1 Corinthians 2:5

The word “mystery” is used quite often in the Bible. The Apostle Paul, in fact, used it 21 times, just in his Epistles. It makes such a frequent appearance in the word of God for a simple reason: Many of the Lord’s methods and ways are far beyond human comprehension. Sometimes we can look to science for an explanation on His machinations, but other times we are left to wonder. For some people, it’s hard to trust things they cannot understand. In fact, humans have an instinctive fear of the unknown and the surprises it can offer. Just think about the number of stories and movies written to speculate the things that live within the ocean or up in space. Even the Bible mentions monsters of the sea, such as Leviathan. We always assume the worst about what we cannot see or wrap our minds around. Faith works in an opposite manner. We are instructed time and time again to put our trust in God and His ways, even though they are beyond us. This is a broad direction, and it applies to many aspects of Christian life (such as the creation of the universe). More often than not, what is least understood is an unfortunate circumstance. Car accidents, cancer and emotional injuries are experiences we don’t want to endure and we often question why we need to. These same events are part of a specific plan, however, and no matter how painful they are, we are not at liberty to question. We can’t fully comprehend His workings. Today, just trust in God. Let your faith be the guide and hold fast to his promises, even when you’re hurting.

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