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Trust God

But Joseph said, “Don’t be afraid... You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good, to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”

Genesis 50:19- 20

In this passage, Joseph uses two words that, when put together, can become two of the most hopeful in the Bible. It’s tempting to glance over the phrase “but God,” or ignore it altogether. After all, we know God can turn bad experiences around for good, right? We know He can do the impossible. Most of us have heard stories like Joseph’s several times, maybe even all our lives. Yet do we truly understand what “but God” means? Do we believe He can make good come out of horrible circumstances?

Joseph knew something about horrible circumstances. His own brothers sold him into slavery in a foreign land. He was jailed for a crime he didn’t commit. Surely he wondered where God was. What happened to all the grand dreams He sent him? Was Joseph supposed to die forgotten in prison?

God said “no.” In fact, He made Joseph successful in all he did so that he became second in command to Pharaoh. When Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt, he had every right to punish or kill them. Instead, Joseph reassured his kin they were forgiven and that God used what they had done for good.

It’s easy to agree with this truth when we see it in Joseph’s story because we already know the ending. But what about our own situations? It can be difficult—heart-wrenching—to trust God with our own circumstances. Maybe you’re facing foreclosure. Maybe the spouse you loved just walked out or cheated. Maybe you’ve been handed a devastating diagnosis or lost a loved person or pet. Can anything good come out of this?

God promises it can (Romans 8:28). He also vows to comfort us and give us wisdom if we ask. Tell Him how you feel, and ask Him to show you His plans. If you can’t see past the circumstances, ask Him to help you. He will do it and will rejoice with you when you see His good intentions.

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