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True Submission

Wives, submit to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. Ephesians 5:22

Today’s verse is one of the most controversial and misused in the entire Bible. Nonbelievers often use it as proof that Paul oppressed women and God approved. Some use it as a tool to make women submit to spiritual abuse, and some Christians eschew the verse altogether. God made women with the same care as men, and He expects them to be treated with dignity and respect. Jesus made clear that women are neither sexual objects, nor lesser people to be abused. In fact, some of His most faithful followers, including Mary Magdalene and Joanna, were women. What, then, should modern women do with this verse? First, they should be confident in the fact that it does not excuse abuse. However, they should also seek to embrace a biblical view of submission. This includes:

  • Listening to the husband and respecting his opinion

  • Keeping disagreements private

  • Allowing the husband to function as the home’s spiritual leader (i.e., leading family devotional time, leading family in prayer)

  • Allowing husbands to care for and provide for their families

  • Respecting the husband and building him up

  • Giving the husband his conjugal rights, as he gives the wife hers Additionally, both women and men should read and meditate the rest of Ephesians 5, where men are commanded to love their wives as Christ loved the church. If men do this well, women should be able to submit with joy, without feeling trampled. If you and your partner struggle with this, seek godly counsel and pray to strengthen your marriage.

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