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True Beauty

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord

is to be praised. Proverbs 31:30

These days, the media is full of advice to men and women on how to look and feel more beautiful. Makeup and perfume counters overflow at department stores. Diets, gym machines and body wraps all promise a perfectly proportioned, impossibly thin body. Mannequins are draped with trendy fashions that promise to make anyone look young, confident and glamorous. In itself, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to feel beautiful. Losing weight to be healthy or putting on makeup to enhance one’s best features isn’t sinful. Today’s verse cautions that a dependence on these things makes them harmful. A man or woman can look and act charming but be hateful and manipulative on the inside. Someone may maintain physical beauty for a while, but age and time will make it fade. God wants us to take care of our temples, but the pursuit of physical perfection is not the Christian’s ultimate goal. Today’s verse reminds us the true way to be beautiful is to fear the Lord. In other words, put God first in your life. Spend regular time with Him, praying and studying the Bible, and seek what He wants you to know each day. Love yourself and your neighbor, and do things to show His love, such as helping someone with a task or serving in a ministry you enjoy. Perhaps you regularly struggle with your body image and physical appearance. Find out why, seeking godly counsel from trusted friends or a counselor. Eat well, exercise in moderation and dress in stylish yet tasteful ways. However, remember your confidence comes from the God who resides in you, who loves you unconditionally.

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