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Trivia ...or Not?

It’s interesting what facts different people think are important. Check out the following items and decide if you think they’re as interesting as other people do.

  • A pair of ruby slippers that Judy Garland wore in The Wizard of Oz sold for $660,000 at a Christie’s East auction in 2000.

  • Lake Superior is the largest lake in North America. It has a surface area of 31,700 miles and is the largest freshwater lake in the world.

  • In 1900, the most popular names for American girls were Mary, Helen, Margaret, Anna, Ruth, Catherine, Elizabeth, Dorothy, Marie, and Mildred.

  • Hawaii, Arizona, and parts of Indiana don’t use Daylight Savings times.

  • The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second. A beam of light could travel around the entire earth seven and a half times in one second.

  • The Dallas International Airport is the size of Manhattan.

  • Bibliophobia is the fear of books.

  • In 1968, the United States Navy spent more than $400,000 to study Frisbees in wind tunnels.

  • The official dessert of Massachusetts is Boston cream pie.

  • There are approximately 6,000 known languages in the world, and about 1,000 of them are spoken on the island of New Guinea. Nearly half of these languages have fewer than 500 people speaking them.

Chances are good that you weren’t aware of most of the above facts. Most people aren’t. That’s why we refer to information like this as trivia. It seems trivial—unimportant. But there are some facts the world views as trivial that are actually quite important.

Important fact: Christ will return! He promised his disciples he would someday return for his children. Christians refer to this as the Second Coming. No one knows the exact time, day, or date that Christ will return to earth, but we are given several insights into his coming.

We’re told that two people will be at work, and one will simply disappear and be taken to heaven. This is referred to as the Rapture. The Rapture and the Second Coming are two important facts the world labels as trivial. But someday we’ll all face the judgment of God himself, and everyone will know what is and isn’t trivia!

Know It! Even though the world doesn’t put much stock in what the Bible says, those who heed its warnings are the wise ones.

Read It! Matthew 24:29-30, 32, 44; 25:31-33

Pray It! Ask God to open your spiritual eyes to the important things he wants you to learn.

This is an excerpt from: Devos for Teens

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