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Treasure out of Darkness

What do I see flying like clouds to Israel, like doves to their nests? They are ships from the ends of the earth, from lands that trust in me, led by the great ships of Tarshish. They are bringing the people of Israel home from far away, carrying their silver and gold. They honor the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, for he has filled you with splendor:

Isaiah 60:8-9

If you know your biblical history, you will remember that Isaiah lived in Jerusalem and played a prophetic role from 742 to 685 BC. One of the greatest of the Old Testament prophets, Isaiah warned of the suffering that would ensure if God's people failed to repent. But he also foretold of a time when their suffering wold end and they would enjoy the Lord's blessings.

This passage from Isaiah pictures the Jewish people returning from exile, not as a raggedy band pf beat-up captives, but as wealthy people escorted home on ships. I like to think that this is a picture of how God works through our own hard times.

This is an excerpt from: Becoming a Woman at Peace

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