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Thoughts and Focus

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirableif anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things.

Philippians 4:8

Part of being a Christian involves watching and sometimes changing the things we think about and the way we think about them. This doesn’t mean policing our thoughts nonstop. Rather, it means focusing on the things that today’s verse says we should. At times, this simple call can be quite difficult. Our world is full of negative events, hard-hearted people and actions that are neither lovely nor praiseworthy. How can we realistically keep our thoughts positive and pleasing to God while still dealing effectively with life?

Sometimes, the answer can be as simple as refocusing your thoughts. For example, if you find your thoughts racing with worry as you lie in bed at night, try praying or repeating favorite Scriptures silently to calm down. If the first thought you have when you see a certain coworker is negative, send up a quick, general prayer for that person, and continue to pray throughout the day as he or she comes to mind.

Many Christians, however, deal with ongoing negative or sinful thoughts in one or two particular areas. If you were addicted to pornography before accepting Christ, you may still have lustful thoughts or the desire to visit certain websites. If you are living with a chronic disease or disability, you may continually struggle with the thought that your life matters less than everyone else’s life.

In the case of ongoing thoughts, accountability and counseling may help. Fall back on certain calming activities when these thoughts arise. Try journaling, turning on praise music, going for a walk or watching an uplifting movie or TV show. As time progresses, you will be more able to focus on praiseworthy things.

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