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This Little Light

Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.

Matthew 5:15

People who grew up going to Sunday school are probably familiar with “This Little Light of Mine.” Church members across the nation sing this song, especially in Sunday school classrooms. It’s an early lesson on believers’ status as light to the world. It also encourages us not to hide our lights. Instead, we’re to speak boldly about Jesus, His death, resurrection and the way He influences our everyday lives.

However, being bold for Christ is more difficult than it looks. Today, American believers are often ridiculed or persecuted, called intolerant, hateful and old- fashioned. Others plant doubts in us, saying the Bible is irrelevant or doesn’t mean what we think it means. Although physical persecution is rarer in the United States than in some countries, it does happen. All this is enough to wear down the hardiest Christian, making him or her want to extinguish the inner light and hide from the world.

Jesus understands how we feel and wants to comfort us when sharing Him is hard. Yet, He encourages us to stay strong and keep sharing. This doesn’t have to be obvious; you aren’t required to share the Gospel the moment you meet a nonbeliever. It can be as simple as offering a helping hand or kind word. Sharing Jesus might mean acknowledging people you don’t generally notice or sacrificing your time to help with a ministry.

If your light is burning low today, pray. Tell God you need some “oil” for your lamp. Bible study, praise music, meditation and physical rest all help with this. Once your light is rejuvenated, go out to share it again.

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