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The Victor’s Crown

Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown. Revelation 2:10

Persecution of Christians has been rampant in almost all nations throughout the centuries. Roman emperors burned thousands of Christians or fed them to lions for refusing to treat the emperors as gods. Christians who spoke against dictatorial regimes such as Hitler’s were tortured and killed. Today, Christians across Africa, Asia, the Middle East and some parts of Europe flee their homes to avoid persecution. Yet all these people are assured of a victor’s crown in Heaven because they have endured and remained faithful to Christ. Christians in protected areas can be assured of victor’s crowns as well, though our persecution may look different from what is leveled against believers in other lands. When you hear of persecuted Christians, do not feel guilty or assume your faith is weaker than theirs. Remember, every time you stand for Jesus despite what others say, you are proving faithful. Proving faithful looks different for each individual. Consider what being faithful means to you, and how God is calling you to separate yourself from the world around you. Despite the consequences, be strong in your beliefs and stand by them, even if the world disagrees with you. We are called to be in the world, but not a part of it. When persecution wears you down, remember a great reward is in store for you. In addition, remember who wears the original victor’s crown. A popular praise chorus names Jesus as the wearer and tells us He is the ultimate overcomer. Turn to Him and request strength. He will gladly give it.

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