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The Value of Women

But for Adam no suitable helper was found. ... Then the Lord made a woman from the rib He had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

Genesis 2:20 & 22

Some people, nonbelievers and Christians alike, wonder if God approves of oppressing women. They cite teachings such as a wife’s submission to her husband, and the husband as the head of the household, to support this idea. They also cite the fact that for centuries, women have not had equal standing and are still struggling to obtain it in some societies.

Many Bible passages show that God loves and values women. However, this is the first, found in the earliest part of the Bible. God could have chosen any helper for Adam, such as an animal, a tree or another man. Yet, He chose to make woman,

a whole new creation. Many Christian writers such as John and Stasi Eldridge

posit that God made Eve, the woman, last, because she was the best thing He

ever made.

While God doesn’t call Eve His best creation, He is clear about how He wants women to be treated. Over and over in the Bible, God uses women for His good works. Esther, Ruth, Mary and Deborah are only four of several examples. He listens to the prayers of women, as He did for Hannah and Rachel, who could not have children. He defends women in His commands to care for widows.

Throughout history, women have been a valuable part of God’s creation, and they continue to be so. If you are a woman who feels unheard, be encouraged that God wants you to have a place in His kingdom and will stand up for you, through other people or divine intervention.

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