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The Value of Rest

Six days you shall labor, but on the seventh day you shall rest; even during the planting and harvest season you must rest.

Exodus 34:21

Rest and relaxation always sound good in theory. When we actually try to rest, we sometimes find ourselves unable to do it. We get preoccupied thinking about the work we should be doing, or we find chores and activities to fill up what feels like wasted time. Sometimes, we try to justify this with Scripture, citing verses about the virtue of diligence.

God wants us to be diligent, but He also knows there is a time and place for everything, as it says in Ecclesiastes. He wants us to do the work set out for us but take time to rest as well. Rest is vital to our physical, mental and spiritual health. It helps our bodies recuperate, so when the relaxation period is over, we will feel energized. It also helps us focus on taking care of our brains and our hearts.

This month, you may be struggling to find time to rest, or you may be tempted to use time meant for relaxation to do other things. Pray, asking God to reassure you that it’s okay not to be busy. Read verses such as today’s or read from Matthew, where Jesus discusses His light and easy burdens. Then focus on recreation and relaxation. You don’t have to sleep, although a long nap may be beneficial. Do your favorite quiet activities, such as reading or watching an uplifting movie. Spend quality time with family and friends or lengthen your devotional time. When the time comes to work again, you’ll find you are more than ready.

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