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The Value of Diligence

But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.

2 Chronicles 15:7

Work is part of life. It’s so normal that most of us do it without thinking much.

Tasks must be completed so homes and businesses can run smoothly.

Sometimes, though, our work can seem especially hard—even oppressive.

Our workloads don’t get any smaller. Our houses never seem clean enough, our children and spouses never seem content enough, and our ministries often feel more like burdens than blessings.

King Asa of 2 Chronicles could probably identify with the strain of hard work. He became king of Israel at a time when the nation had been “without the true God, without a priest, and without the law.” Instead, idols and pagan practices replaced God, and Israel found itself crushed and oppressed. The Bible tells us Asa made many significant reforms, but he was possibly overwhelmed at the scope of them. He probably became discouraged at what they entailed; 2 Chronicles 15 reveals he had to depose his own grandmother from her position as queen mother because she worshipped Asherah.

You may not be dealing with idol worship at work or in your home, but your tasks may seem as huge and impossible as Asa’s. If that’s the case, give yourself permission to rest. Pray about your work, asking God which tasks are important and which can be delegated. Additionally, ask God for new joy in your work. Once you’ve had quality rest, return to your tasks with a new heart and new strength. You’ll complete tasks more effectively. You’ll also see yourself and others grow and change for the better.

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