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The Sword of The Spirit

Take the ... sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

Ephesians 6:17

In the last part of Ephesians 6, Paul discusses the armor of God. He gives names and functions to each piece and extols Christians to wear them at all times, so they can stand strong. The last part of the armor though, is a sword. The sword represents the Word, or the Bible, and is our only defensive weapon against Satan.

Most Christians understand the Bible is important, but some of them have trouble proving it in their lives. Some don’t even read the Bible regularly. As someone once said, this is the equivalent of standing in front of a snake with an unloaded gun and shouting, “Bang, bang!” You’ll make noise, but the snake won’t budge and will likely bite you. Without a scriptural foundation, you may be okay for a while, but you’ll be vulnerable to attack.

Of course, making time for Bible reading and study can be difficult in our busy world. If you find Scripture study hard, boring, or time-consuming, try these tips to find joy and knowledge in it:

  • Use a Bible you understand. Too many Christians get bogged down because they try to study using a Bible that employs archaic language.

  • Choose a Bible study you’d like to attend. Studying Scripture with other Christians gives you fresh perspectives. Focusing on particular topics also makes Bible reading seem less daunting.

  • Make realistic goals for yourself, such as reading the Psalms in 3-4 months or the whole Bible in a year. Reward yourself as you make progress.

  • Memorize and quote verses, both favorites and less familiar ones. Setting them to a tune or rhythm can help.

  • Shake up devotional time. Have it at a coffee shop or go out in nature instead of closed in a bedroom.

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