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The Remedy of Guilt

With it he touched my mouth and said, “See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.” Isaiah 6:7

Guilt. It’s an ugly word that describes an even uglier feeling. The emotion is defined as “the state of having done a wrong or committed an offense,” and it can be such a powerful adversary to happiness. Oftentimes our guilt is misplaced. The devil uses our vulnerability to tear us apart and fill us with doubt. Once it’s inside, we tend to hide the guilt from others. It weighs us down, eats at our happiness and even our zest for life. In some cases, people are so overwhelmed with the suffering, they choose to end their own lives rather than continue to push through. Whether it is deserved or not, guilt is a dangerous emotion. It can fester over time and completely change the way we think. Christians, especially, should be cautious about it. When we suffer through guilt, we’re in essence denying Jesus’ sacrifice. He died on the cross to forgive all our wrongdoings. Holding onto a specific mistake or choice means you’re trying to make it greater than His death. But no sin is greater than the price He paid. Focusing on guilt also steals the glory from God. The energy we use to feel sorry could be used instead to minister to those around us and offer the Lord the praises He deserves. He is much greater than any of our sins. Today, remedy your guilt by strengthening your bond with God. Spend time in the Scripture and learn about the people whom Jesus chose. None of them was without shortcomings and sins and he does not expect us to be either. Accept the grace that is offered, and don’t waste another minute in the past.

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