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The Purest Joy

Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for God has already approved what you do. Ecclesiastes 9:7

What makes you joyful? Do you enjoy completing accomplishments at work? What about spending time with your friends and family? Or perhaps you feel cheerful when you’re working on your hobbies? Many things in life bring us happiness and contentment, but they all pale in comparison to the truest form of joy—a relationship with God. We can find happiness in the world, but it is only in passing. In relation to eternity, our lives are little more than a flash in the pan. When people and activities of the flesh fail you, you can (and should) turn to Jesus. Jesus is the opposite of sadness. He is the destroyer of discouragement and mender of broken hearts. He alone is able to repair the damage that this world does to us and make us whole again. His love offers the greatest feeling of joy that we can experience. If you need more joy in your life, turning to God is the only way to achieve it. Whether you’re suffering from depression and anxiety or simply feeling a bit stuck, Jesus has the solution. Coming to know Him and to rely on Him allows you to dispel worry about the future or regret for the past, while feeling a peace that transcends our very comprehension. Today, allow yourself to be joyful. The debt of your sins is paid, and as a Christian, you have secured a perfect future in eternity. Let go of your worldly desires and focus on the fact that God loved you enough to sacrifice His son to save you.

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