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The Prince on a White Horse

I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow and was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.

Revelation 6:2

Many people loved fairytales growing up, and we knew when the prince rode in on the white horse, the day was about to be saved. Whether you dreamed of being the heroic prince or the princess meeting her dashing hero, you unconsciously recognized the white horse and conqueror as a sign of hope and victory.

As adults, we still wait for a victor on a powerful steed, although we may not admit it. Some Bible teachers theorize it’s because we know deep down our earthly lives aren’t the end. We know there’s something more, something better, waiting for us. Yet, we can’t attain it on our own because, as with fairy tales, evil forces block our way. We need a victor to go before us.

Revelation paints Jesus in this role, the perfect victor/savior. Unlike a fairytale prince, He’s real. He saves everyone, not just the beautiful or outwardly deserving. There’s no chance He’ll fail in His mission; He’ll rescue us all. We’ll attain victory and the better life awaiting us. We’ll live that life first as earthly believers, called to live abundantly. Then we’ll join our Savior in Heaven.

You might have given up on fairy tales long ago. Maybe real life was harsh toward you, or you simply grew out of your belief in shining knights, dashing princes and lovely princesses. Fairytales are fantasy, but they’re a shadow of a glorious reality. You do have a Prince, and He’s coming for you. In the meantime, He guides you through life using the Holy Spirit.

Pray and thank God for being your Prince today. Ask Him to show you your worth and rescue you, either through a prayer for salvation or one for renewed strength and grace. Rejoice in your position as a treasure He fights for.

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