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The Power to Do Good

For we have great joy and consolation in your love, because the bowels of the saints are refreshed by you, brother.

Philemon 1:7

St. Paul declares his joy in the refreshment of “the bowels” of the saints. In Matthew 11:28, the Lord promises to refresh all that “travail and are heavy laden.” In today’s verse, “refreshed” is the keyword. Through Christ, the hearts of the saints are refreshed—or given relief and rest. The term “brother” is given to Philemon here to emphasize feelings of affection and friendship. Through Philemon’s works of charity, the saints found relief from distress.

Just as Food for the Hungry brings relief and “refreshment” to the hearts of those living in poverty, driven from their homes or suffering hunger, Philemon’s charitable actions are a source of immense joy. We can impart joy to others and thus to the Lord through charity, spreading the love of God through our actions. Philemon’s actions gave great joy to the saints, who had no need for his comforts. In the same way, God cherishes our good deeds even though He doesn’t need them Himself.

Throughout your life, refresh the hearts, bodies and minds of those who need your help. Your charitable actions will spread joy and strengthen your bond with the Lord. Do these acts cheerfully and spread comfort to others—even to those who don’t need your charity. Take today’s verse as a reminder that Christ does notice our actions.

Offer your assistance to those who need it. You have the power to refresh others with your actions, just as the Lord refreshes you through Christian fellowship. Be like Christ in your acts of charity, and know that you’re giving joy and consolation to the Lord through your love.

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