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The New Creation

The start of a new month often brings hope, but for some of us, each new month feels like an extension of the old one, with the same burdensome problems as before. Those problems could be any number of things. Maybe you started the new year determined to lose 10 pounds, only to find you’ve lost two in the past four weeks or, worse yet, none at all. You may have resolved to give up a destructive habit like smoking, drinking or gambling, but instead you find yourself lighting up, pouring a drink or sitting at a card table.

Paul’s encouragement from 1 Corinthians is meant to give us a much-needed shot of hope. Jesus Christ does not look at us and see failures, endlessly spinning our wheels. In fact, Scripture tells Christ, along with the angels in Heaven, to rejoice. Moreover, when we do fail, He is there to pick us up and say, “That’s okay. Let’s try again, together.”

Together is the key. You cannot and will not change the negative or destructive parts of your life without Christ’s help. He is willing and eager to give it, but He will never force His help on you. If you have failed to change after months, or even years, of trying, you might feel like giving up and hiding from Christ’s keen eyes. Resist the temptation to hide and come to Him instead.

In your prayers, tell Him how hard you have tried and how difficult it is to make permanent change. Ask what He wants you to do; maybe you need wise counsel, an accountability partner or a new approach to your goal. With Him at your side, you can enjoy life as a new creation.

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