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The Lord is my Shepherd

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing ... he refreshes my soul.

Psalm 23:1 & 3b

Psalm 23 is one of the most famous passages of the entire Bible. Christians turn to it for comfort, peace and refreshment. It’s often quoted at funerals to help the grieving focus on the fact that their loved ones are at peace. It’s been made into song arrangements that choirs and praise teams sing in churches all over the world.

But what does it mean that the Lord is our shepherd? Why did David choose to compare God to this particular type of person? It might have been because David, himself, was a shepherd, but there’s deeper meaning here. Read today’s verse again, and think about what a shepherd actually does. He or she watches over a flock of sheep, sitting quietly with them all day. The shepherd makes sure the sheep are comfortable and protected, often putting him or herself in harm’s way to shield them from predators.

The shepherd also leads, guides and directs the sheep. He or she makes sure the sheep stay on a prescribed path, and when they don’t, uses a crook to nudge them back, sometimes forcefully. When a sheep strays, the shepherd will go after it, and if the sheep is wounded, the shepherd will carry it home in his or her arms.

God does all this for us and more because we’re His sheep. He knows we’re fragile and prone to stray, so He’s as gentle and firm with us as necessary to keep us on the right path. We should praise Him for this, because it’s a remarkably unique quality. Today, read the whole 23rd Psalm again. As you do, meditate on and thank God for His role as the good shepherd.

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