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The Least in My Family

“Pardon me, Lord,” Gideon replied, “but how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.” The Lord answered, “I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Midianites, leaving none alive.”

Judges 6:15

God gives us plenty of characters to relate to in the Bible, especially the Old Testament. Gideon is perhaps one of the most relatable. Here, God has called him to save Israel from the Midianites, but he has an understandable, common reaction. Gideon focuses on his weaknesses and asks God how he could be used for such a task as saving his whole nation.

Most of us aren’t called to save nations, but we all have “Gideon moments” from time to time. The world tells us our weaknesses are bad and that they make us lesser people. Therefore, when God wants to use us, we tend to focus on our weaknesses and put ourselves down. We say things like, “How can I teach elementary kids, Lord? I’m too shy.” “Lord, how can I raise a baby? I have a disability.” “Lord, why are you asking me to donate food to the food bank when I can barely feed my family?”

God understands these concerns and does not condemn us for them. How could He, when He made us as we are? God gives us those weaknesses, or places us in particularly hard situations, so we can learn to lean on Him more. As we learn to rely on Him, we gain the strength to do the divinely appointed tasks He has given us. Better than that, we’re often more successful than we imagined we could be.

Gideon certainly was strong enough—as God promised, he and just 300 men struck down the Midianites and saved Israel. If you are facing a monumental task today, take heart from Gideon’s story. Go to God with your weaknesses and let Him make you strong, for you are a warrior in His eyes.

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