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The Importance of Prayer

Rejoice always. Pray continually. Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

In the U.S., the National Day of Prayer is a time when Christians and other faithful people go to their churches or sacred sites to pray or take time to pray while going about daily tasks. That day isn’t more special than any other day. God hears and answers prayer all the time. Today, let’s focus on why it’s so important to pray. In verse 17 of today’s passage, Paul tells the Thessalonians to pray continually. Some translations say, “Pray without ceasing.” Did he mean, spend copious amounts of time in a closed room on your knees? You can do this if led, but praying without ceasing is much easier if you do it in frequent small increments throughout your day. Your prayers don’t need to be long or eloquent. They can be only a few words. If you are learning to pray without ceasing, or need a guide, consider the following prompts:

  • Pray on a small to large scale. Start with needs in your hometown or region, then your state, your country, and finally the world. Pray for the Fruits of the Spirit to be present in every Christian and for nonbelievers to know Christ.

  • Pray for the people you see each day. These can include your coworkers and boss to the coffee barista or janitor. Ask names if you don’t know them, so you can pray for them by name.

  • Pray about your spiritual gifts. Ask God what they are and for opportunities to use them.

  • Pray for leaders, that local, state, country and world leaders will make wise decisions.

  • Pray for greater love of God and people around the world.

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