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The Greatest Giver

He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?

Romans 8:32

What’s the most precious thing that anyone has ever given you? If you’re married, it may be your wedding ring. It could be a family heirloom that has been passed down for generations or something as simple as your favorite stuffed animal. In our lives, we experience a lot of wonderful presents from wonderful people. But there’s one giver who is greater than all the rest.

Our means limit the value of our gifts. Sometimes, cost is the barrier that prevents us from offering the best presents. Other times, we may not know someone well enough to choose the right item. Sometimes, we run out of shopping time or aren’t close to any good stores. There are countless reasons why we cannot give perfectly, even when we’re trying. That’s okay though, because there’s one who can give superbly every time.

God knows exactly what’s best for us when we call upon Him. In fact, He knows even better than we do what will benefit us in the long run. His power and grace are limitless and eternal, and ready for us to embrace. He hears us when we pray and will grant us blessings greater than we could even imagine. Trusting in Him is trusting in a future where we are provided for and endlessly loved.

Today, remember that you don’t have to be the greatest giver, because you are guided and protected by one beyond our comprehension. During this holiday season, abundantly give the gift of prayer. Our Father knows what every soul needs.

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