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The Great Deceiver

When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

John 8:44

Satan glories in all sin, from murder to adultery to thievery. However, today’s verse suggests he takes special delight in lying. Lying is “his native language.” He’s incapable of speaking truth or edifying anyone. Deception, it could be argued, which Satan fuels, is the root of all sin at one point or another.

Some Bible scholars take this argument further, explaining many lies are twisted truths or perversions of what God calls good. For example, the desire for love is a godly one. However, if that desire leads to adultery, you’ve believed a lie that says you deserve love at any cost and must take it yourself. The desire to give your family a prosperous life is good. However, if you steal to facilitate it, you believe the lie that you can only prosper at others’ expense.

Of course, not all of Satan’s lies are this obvious. He loves to deceive Christians in subtler ways, such as making them feel unworthy of God’s love or telling them that they aren’t saved. These lies are some of the hardest to overcome, because they aren’t tied to a particular, physical sin. They grow deep roots, sometimes in the span of years or decades. For example, someone abused as a child may struggle for years to trust God’s love as an adult.

Taking stock of your words and actions can help you identify any lies Satan uses against you. If you consistently sin in a certain way or tell yourself negative things, a particular lie is probably the cause. Ask God and others to help you identify the lie and its origin. Once you know, seek godly counsel and methods to rid yourself of it for good.

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